Maker Guides

How to Put the Raspberry Pi 3B+ into the Black case

How to Attach Heatsinks to Raspberry Pi 3B+

Create a HTPC Media Centre with Raspberry Pi

Obstacle Avoidance with Micro:bit Robit Smart Car

5-Inch Touch Screen Display with Raspberry Pi

Using the Buttons and LED Matrix on micro:bit

Create a Light-sensitive Alarm with micro:bit

Measure Temperature and Humidity with micro:bit

Aluminium Alloy Case With Cooling Heatsink for Raspberry Pi 4

Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Raspberry Pi

Add Levels to 2D Platformer in MakeCode Arcade

2D Sidescrolling Platformer with MakeCode Arcade

Introduction to Object-oriented Programming with MakeCode Arcade

Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor with Arduino

Keyboard Controlled Robot with Raspberry Pi 4

Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Raspberry Pi 4

Using a Logic-level Shifter with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Weather Station with the Sense HAT

Endless Space Shooter with LÖVE on Raspberry Pi 4

Basic Electronic Components with Raspberry Pi

L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver with micro:bit

How to Attach the PoE HAT to Raspberry Pi 3B+

Raspberry Pi Pico with Lorikeet WS2812B LED Stick

Get Started With the DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor with micro:bit

Armour Case with Dual Cooling Fan for Raspberry Pi 4

Beginning with the LÖVE Framework on Raspberry Pi 4

How to Put the Raspberry Pi 3B+ into the Official Red and White Case

DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Module with Arduino

How to install Ollama on the Raspberry Pi 5

Installing Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi 5

How to connect two cameras to the Raspberry Pi 5

How to install Digital Signage software on the Raspberry Pi 5

How to install Whisper (Speech to Text) on the Raspberry Pi 5

How to install ARpiCADE on the Raspberry Pi 5

Little Bird Lorikeet WS2812B Rainbow Board with micro:bit