How to Put the Raspberry Pi 3B+ into the Black case
Learn how to put the Raspberry Pi 3B+ into the Black Case
Written By: Cherie Tan


You can protect your Raspberry Pi with a case designed to house the Raspberry Pi B+, Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi 3B+ and HAT PCBs.
In this guide, you will learn how to insert a microSD card, attach heat sinks and put your Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ into its case. This is for the Black/Transparent Raspberry Pi case.
After completing this guide, your Raspberry Pi will be much more safer from damage.

Before placing the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ into its case, we will put the heat sinks on it first. Turn the heat sinks over to the back
Peel off the back of the heat sinks to reveal the adhesive tape

Carefully place the heatsinks with the adhesive sticky sides on the Raspberry Pi as shown.
Please ensure that the heatsinks are placed only on these two points as shown by the arrows.
You need to be precise with the placement of the smaller heatsink otherwise it will be hard to clip the case all the way on.

There are three parts to the case, starting with the clear top piece.
A middle piece
A bottom piece

To assemble the case, first place the Raspberry Pi face up on the bottom piece.
Slide the Raspberry Pi under the two connection points as shown in the third picture.
It should fit so that the Raspberry Pi does not fall off from the case if you turned it sideways.

Place the middle piece atop the Raspberry Pi.
There are three connection points, where it connects with the bottom piece. Once fully pushed in, they should snap together.
You should be able to access the microUSB port for power, HDMI port, and audio port from the case as shown.

Finally, place the clear acrylic piece on top.
There are two connection points at the front, and two at the back. These will connect it to the middle piece.

Now we will place the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi. Turn the Raspberry Pi over and you will see the microSD card slot.
Gently slide the microSD card into the slot, making sure that the writing on the SD card is face down towards the bottom of the Raspberry Pi
Push the microSD card in
For the Raspberry Pi 3 and 3B+, the microSD card does not 'click' in. Simply slide it into the slot.