Lorikeet with Arduino
Light up the LEDs on your Lorikeet!
Written By: Cherie Tan


The Little Bird Lorikeet is an RGB LED strip 5 programmable LEDs. In this guide, learn to connect it up to the Arduino and get it to light up! Complete this guide to understand the basics in using the Lorikeet with your Arduino.

Let's first take a closer look at the Lorikeet's pins:
The - labelled pin is to be connected to GND
The + pin is to be connected to power
DIN stands for digital input and can be connected to a digital pin on the Arduino
The - labelled pin is to be connected to GND
The + pin is to be connected to power
DIN stands for digital input and can be connected to a digital pin on the Arduino

Finally, connect a jumper wire from DIN on the Lorikeet to Digital Pin 3 on the Arduino.

Navigate to Tools > Manage Libraries in the Arduino IDE Type 'neopixel' in the search filed and scroll down to find Adafruit NeoPixel. Install the library.

This code was adapted from the example code found in the Adafruit Neopixel Library. You can get to it by navigating to File > Examples > Adafruit Neopixel > simple Define the PIN as 3 as we've connected the DIN pin to Digital Pin 3 on the Arduino Change NUMPIXELS to 5 as there are five LEDs on the Lorikeet Upload the code to the Little Bird Uno R3!