Passive Infrared Sensor with micro:bit
Written By: Cherie Tan


A passive infrared (PIR) sensor measures infrared light radiating from objects in its view. These sensors collect incident infrared radiation with the use of a Fresnel lens, on a pyroelectric sensor and can detect human movement as long as it is within the range of the sensor. In this guide, learn to connect a PIR motion sensor to the micro:bit. Then learn to program the micro:bit with the PIR motion sensor to display an alert message when such movement is detected. Complete this guide to start incorporating the PIR motion sensor in your micro:bit!

A PIR (passive infrared) sensor also known as an infrared motion sensor is an inexpensive, low-power and durable sensor used for the detection of movement within its range. It includes a pyroelectric sensor and a Fresnel lens. You can see the pyroelectric sensor under the lenses as a round metal can. The curved lenses concentrates infrared radiation toward the sensor. Through a changing voltage level, it detects changes in the infrared radiation level which is why it is commonly used to detect whether a human has moved in or out of its range. There are three pins on the sensor: From left to right as shown: VCC - Voltage common collector DO - Digital output GND - Ground

First, connect a red jumper wire to the VCC pin found on the PIR motion sensor.

Connect another jumper wire this time to the DO pin found on the PIR motion sensor.

Now, connect a black jumper wire to GND on the PIR motion sensor.

Connect a red jumper from VCC of the PIR Motion Sensor to 3.3V of the micro:bit
basic.forever(function () { if (pins.digitalReadPin(DigitalPin.P0) == 1) { basic.showIcon(IconNames.Happy) } else { basic.showIcon(IconNames.Angry) } })
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