Hall Effect Sensor with Arduino

This sensor detects the presences of magnetic fields

Written By: Cherie Tan

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A Hall Effect Sensor detects the presence of a magnetic field and varies its output in reaction to it.

In this guide, you will learn to hook up an Analog Hall Effect Sensor with the 100% Arduino compatible development board, Little Bird Uno R3.

Once you've completed this guide, you will understand how to use a hall effect sensor. You could use it to make a speedometer or a burglar alarm!

Step 1 Connect the Hall Effect Sensor to Pin 10

Connect the Hall Effect Sensor to Pin 10

Step 2 Connect the Hall Effect Sensor to 5V

Connect the Hall Effect Sensor to 5V.

Step 3 Connect the Hall Effect Sensor to Ground

Connect the Hall Effect Sensor to Ground.

Step 4 Insert LED into Breadboard

Insert LED into Breadboard with the Cathode (short leg) on the left hand side.

Step 5 Insert 220 Ohm Resistor into the Breadboard

Insert 220 Ohm Resistor into the Breadboard.
Ensure that it is inline with the LED's anode (longer leg).

Step 6 Connect LED to Ground

Connect the Cathode of the LED to Ground.

Step 7 Connect 220 Ohm Resistor to Digital Pin 13

Connect 220 Ohm Resistor to Digital Pin 13.

Step 8 Upload the code

int led = 13;//LED pin
int sensor = 10; //sensor pin
int val; //numeric variable

void setup()
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(sensor, INPUT); //set sensor pin as input

void loop()
  val = digitalRead(sensor); //Read the sensor
  if(val == HIGH) //when magnetic field is detected, turn led on
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led, LOW);
Upload this code to your Arduino.
When you pass a magnet over the sensor the LED on Pin 13 should turn on. Also a red light switches on the sensor.
Upload this code to your Arduino.
When you pass a magnet over the sensor the LED on Pin 13 should turn on. Also a red light switches on the sensor.